Juno Independent Mortgages | Mortgages
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Moving home can be a very stressful time, with a thousand and one things that demand your attention.

Our Advisors are trained to be able to  help and alleviate some of the hard work for you, by managing the process of changing mortgages, from the application stage through to the completion.

Our Advisors are trained to assist by interpreting  jargon that is so often used in official documents.

Our Advisors  are trained to be able to explain the procedures and  clarify the process.

Our Advisors are qualified, competent and trained to find the best mortgage available to you.

Our Advisors  offer impartial advice and  provide the personal touch by being on hand to answer any concerns or questions you may have, or that may arise.

It makes a reassuring difference  when you have the confidence and security of a trained person, someone that understands the process and can assist to help make the move run smoothly.

Moving home should be an exciting time in your life and at Juno Independent Mortgages Ltd we are committed to making sure that the stress and strains of the process are taken away, ensuring that you get the right mortgage deal tailored to your individual needs.

As a general guide, you will have to have a minimum of 5%, or 10% of the purchase price as a deposit on your new property. In most cases  the deposit is raised either by the sale of an existing property, or from savings.

Our Advisors have access to whole of market mortgage advice and can source competitive interest rates. They will recommend the most suitable deal for you,  guiding  you through the mortgage process from start to finish .

Remortgaging need not be a hassle and is something that we should all consider doing regularly to ensure that we get the best mortgage deal. 

The rise in house prices  could result in reductions of many homeowners Loan to Value (LTV) and may also see Lenders offering very competitive rates, so it is always worth asking us for advice.

The initial consultation is free, up to the application stage, and  we are ‘Whole of Market’ which means that we can compare your current mortgage to thousands of products.

It’s always a daunting prospect when starting on the road to purchasing your own property, and the whole process can seem complicated and overwhelming.

This is exactly why more and more people are turning to an Independent Mortgage  Advisor. This gives them the ‘personal touch’ and they can be helped every step of the way, from the application to the completion of the mortgage.

An Advisor is someone who can cut through and explain the jargon and procedures. They help you to work out exactly what you need and explain every option available to you, which enables you to find the best, and most suitable mortgage for you.

The initial consultation is free up to the application stage and as ‘Whole of Market’,  we can source the ideal product available.

It’s important when embarking on a Buy to Let project to find the best mortgage deal possible and at Juno Independent Mortgages Ltd we understand the importance of being able to offer ‘whole of market’ deals.

Our Advisors are able to help you through every stage of the process, whilst giving impartial advice.

Our Advisors are able to search the whole of the market for you, to ensure that you find the best deal and then manage the process for you from application through to completion.

Contact us for more information.